3 Tips To Remember When Planning An Indoor Party For Kids That Will Keep Everyone Happy
Posted on:
19 July 2017
Whether your child's birthday falls in the middle of winter or during the summer heat when an outdoor party would be a stressful event, having the party indoors can seem a little intimidating. When you think about cramming your home with several young children, cake and ice cream, and possibly messy foods and games, it is no surprise that many parents are afraid to have an indoor kids birthday party inside of their home.
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Is Your Child On The Spectrum? How To Prepare Them For Summer Vacation
Posted on:
12 July 2017
Now that summer is here, it's time to plan for your family vacation. That can be difficult when your child is autistic. Children with autism can find unfamiliar situations unbearable, which means vacations may require additional planning. Don't pass on a family vacation. Instead, use the methods described below to help prepare your child for the trip.
Talk to Your Child About the Vacation
When it comes to a family vacation, it's important that you talk to your child about everything you're planning.
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Evaluating The Benefits Of Working, Despite Childcare Costs
Posted on:
12 July 2017
With young children at home, it can be difficult to afford the costs of working. During the day, it probably means that you need to pay for some kind of child care. Despite this extra cost of your workday, there are some pros as well to working.
Benefits to You
Of course you want to spend time with your young child as much as you can, but you also must consider your own well being.
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